This photo is very important for me because I’m in my graduation’s party, and went in the canteen of officials, and it photo was taken in the swimming pool around.
In the photo are my best friends of the college. The names of right to left are Leyla, Kathy, Camila, Vale and me. This day we were with the person that in this time we like.
In our party, the food, and the drink was very delicious, the music and the climate also was very good because us parents were here. All it was perfect similar to a dream.
This one day is my best recollections, because it was my last day with my friends, the last that we share as classmates and then each one did your life of different way, some of us are studying, others working, and one have a son, but always that we are together we remember all the things that did in this years and always finish laughing, and always return to this day of our graduation’s party.
With my friends always are in contact, we talk for messenger, for facebook and for e-mails and this form we continue being friends, but we don’t see much followed.
Is for this that I guard very good this photo to show it to my grandsons, because this day always it will be in my memories and in the of my friends, in the of my classmates, and in the of my parents, and this because I’m the only graduated person in my family and they remember this moment with pride.
hi! how are you?,I hope that fine. Well is a beutifull photo, it was an important day for me too because it was the last day that a saw to many partners...