jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

The environment

Hello guys,

The topic today is about the environment.

First, I need to say when I was a girl; I didn’t know anything about the environment neither about of recycling because in my college and in my house it wasn’t a usual topic.

But I knew anything as to care the water, the plants, the tree and all the places that I knew.

Then, when I arrived to the University I learned very much about the recycling, because in this place had very trash can to recycle, beside, all the people or students had incorporated this habits.

Now, I try of separate the materials of glass, paper, plastic, or metal, but only in the university or in places where the trash can are separate, but in my house is very difficult because to my family don’t understand about the recycling.

I am very lazy and I don’t use bicycle and neither walk, but in my house there is a car and I avoid use, because I know that is very contaminants.

Ah, I don’t work in a organization because I haven’t time, but now I like me to belong to one, because I feel that is a very way of to do something for this environment that is very pollute, beside, I think that know very few about way of to take car and to keep the ozone layer, the plants, the animals or to the environment in general.

But, in this society, specifically Santiago, should to look for other countries and to copy anything about the recycling and to teach to all the society any habits about as to keep the environment because maybe we are a country very “advanced” in anything, but we are barbarian for this topics.

We are very slow in this kind of culture.

Bye everyone

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