We all know that the bicentenary's year was very important, but what's in really the bicentenary?, what sence has all the things that has been made to celebrate it?. Who's out?what's out?. I'm going to answer all this cuestions in this essay about the bicentenary, firs of all, this wasn't a year diffrent from others and they are just 200 years of murders, abuses of power, violations in opposition to our rights as persons, in opposition to the popular class, in opposition to the Mapuche and in opposition to all our descent.
First. The beginning of the celebrations of the Bicentenary start with the " glories of the army " when, since that killed to Manuel Rodríguez in 1818, have been these who massacred his own village in 23 occasions, and up to today all his interventions have been in the same line that is to protect the mercantile State, to protect to the State Portaliano, and to suppress his opponents, beside I have to say that the army has allowed the Constitutions of 1833, 1925 and 1980 should be dictated, of illegal form, by force and in opposition to our rights, for this the army of Chile is the real owner of the State and the person in charge of all the abuses happened in the History of Chile.
Second. There are joined the statues of Jose Miguel Carrera and Bernardo Or ' Higgins that were two historical prominent figures who were in struggle for years, producing, as says Gabriel Salazar, a historical falsehood, is like to join Salvador Allende with Pinochet, slightly extremely ridiculously.
Third. “the biggest flag of Chile”, the country invested millions in order that they were bringing it from the foreigner, with the aim that the foreign people saw that Chile still has the money to spend in silly things, but we know that this money might take better use as a contribucion for our country, considering the enormous catastrophe caused by a strong earthquake and a tsunami. Where the people who lost everything, now, fight to obtain papers to be capable of working withdrawing rubbles, as happen in Dichato and in many other towns.
Quarter. In his speech, apart of speaking sillyness that we already know, the president answers to the hunger strike of the Mapuches, that already has more than 80 days, and when some of them were almost dieing and said that there will be a “discution table”, that till now nobody knows what happened.
These and many other things, are the biggest sillyness that the government has done in the Bicentenary's year and these aren't very different from every year of the History of our country. Then, who can celebrate?, those who accept the decisions that took a small group of people, with economic, military, religious power in a country, and just benefit the high class, who does stay out of these celebrations? All the popular class, children, women, and different etnias, what does stay out? All the History of the popular class, the whole fight, of the aborigens who defended his lands, his culture and his identity, the whole history of our past, of our identity and of our majority class.
In conclusion, in the Bicentenary's year we celebrate 200 years of mistreatments, abuses, violations and slaughters on the part of the minorities, of the oligarchy, of the elite, of the army, in opposition to the popular majority, of low class, of the children, of the women, of the poor.
Then, the Bicentenary, it is not any more than a jeer towards the people who has suffered from 200 years, and more, in hands of the army of Chile and of the elite, who only looks for the own well-being and the economic power.